N 1011 TA/N21 TA N-hane för RG-213, HF-5000 etc

79 SEK
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Product Description:
N-male for mounting on RG-213, HF-5000, Ecoflex 10 and similar coaxial cables. The center pin is soldered, otherwise screw mounting which provides a very good contact and much better protection against moisture than conventional contacts.

N 21-TA / N 1011 TA has a nickel-free finish.
Our connectors with the additional designation TA stand out from most of our other suppliers in that they prove to be an advantageous alternative to the standard HF connectors with nickel surface.

What are the benefits now? The surface consists of an alloy of 3 metals = TresAlloy®. This alloy is also called white bronze. None of these metals, copper, tin and zinc (CuSnZn3) have magnetic properties. As a result, our TresAlloy connectors have increased intermodulation resistance (PIM).

HF connectors with a TresAlloy® surface are much more resistant to corrosion and oxidation, even in adverse environments.

Nickel-plated HF plugs promote intermodulation due to the ferromagnetic properties of nickel. In addition, many people suffer from NICKEL ALLERGY. The contact resistance between nickel-plated contact components can also change negatively over time.

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